Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
The preaching of the gospel in the New Testament begins with the cry, “Repent for the Kingdom of the Heavens!” (Matt. 3:2, 4:17, 10:7). So, we repent and believe in Jesus not only to have our sins forgiven, but for the kingdom; that is, so God can have His kingdom, His ruling, on the earth today.To really appreciate this, however, we need to have a basic understanding of what the kingdom of the heavens is. So in the first part of this program we consider, What is the kingdom of the heavens? Then in the second part we go on to consider what it means, practically speaking, to live in the reality of the kingdom.===================ABOUTThe Christian Faith Radio Hour is presented by David Canfield as an extension of TheChristianFaith.org website.Both that website and this podcast exist to provide a healthy word of ministry for God’s children today, and to present the truths of the gospel to the world.David lives in Chicago, Illinois where he has been serving the Lord on a full-time basis for over 25 years.He is the author of Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist, which is now available in paperback from Amazon.===================Guest: Jim Ruffin===================Books Cited in this EpisodeThe 1917 Scofield Study BibleOn Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/What-Kingdom-Believers-Witness-Wlee/dp/0736329625===================Bible Verses Cited in this EpisodeFor a list of Bible verses cited in this episode, please visit its page on our website: https://thechristianfaith.org/podcast-31===================Notes Cited in this EpisodeBelievers, or Disciples? https://thechristianfaith.org/note-24/Seeking, or Struggling? https://thechristianfaith.org/note-5/===================MAILING LISThttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/===================OUR WEBSITEhttps://TheChristianFaith.org/==================LIVE BROADCASTEach Saturday morning in Chicago at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 10 December 2022.
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
We are called to follow Christ not only by the gospel of the grace (Acts 20:24), but also by the gospel of the kingdom (Matt. 24:14). The gospel of grace causes us to have faith in Jesus Christ and be saved so that we become His believers, which is indeed wonderful. However, we must not only be His believers; we must also become His disciples, His followers, for only then can the Lord have His kingdom on the earth. And for this, we must have the gospel of the kingdom. As the Lord says, it is when this gospel of the kingdom is preached over all the earth that the end will come; praise the Lord!===================ABOUTThe Christian Faith Radio Hour is presented by David Canfield as an extension of TheChristianFaith.org website.Both that website and this podcast exist to provide a healthy word of ministry for God’s children today, and to present the truths of the gospel to the world.David lives in Chicago, Illinois where he has been serving the Lord on a full-time basis for over 25 years.He is the author of Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist, which is now available in paperback from Amazon.===================Books Cited in this EpisodeWhat the Kingdom Is to the BelieversWitness LeeOn Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/What-Kingdom-Believers-Witness-Wlee/dp/0736329625===================Bible Verses Cited in this EpisodePlease visit :https://thechristianfaith.org/podcast-30===================Related MaterialsBelievers, or Disciples?https://thechristianfaith.org/note-24/Seeking, or Struggling?https://thechristianfaith.org/note-5/Podcast 27. The Gap in Genesis 1https://thechristianfaith.org/podcast-27/Podcast 28. More on Genesis 1https://thechristianfaith.org/podcast-28/===================MAILING LISThttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/===================OUR WEBSITEhttps://TheChristianFaith.org/==================LIVE BROADCASTEach Saturday morning in Chicago at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 3 December 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
What will be the fate of those people on the earth who never had the opportunity to hear the gospel and be saved? Will they automatically be damned to hell for eternity?That is what many Christians seem to believe, but when others hear that, it makes them feel the God of the Bible is not fair, since He just creates people to condemn them to eternal torment.In reality, however, it is difficult to find a New Testament verse to support this view. So, in this episode we explore how God will deal with those people who never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ===================For program details, including a list of the Bible verses cited, please visit its page on our website: https://thechristianfaith.org/podcast-29/===================MAILING LISTTo add yourself to our mailing list go tohttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/===================OUR WEBSITEhttps://TheChristianFaith.org/
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
In the first part of this program we again consider how important it is to have a proper view of Genesis 1, namely, that it is a historically accurate account of creation; Jesus said, if we don’t believe what Moses wrote, we won’t believe Him, either (John 5:46-47; cf. John 3:12). But, that does not mean we need to believe the earth is 6,000 years old. That just is not what the Bible teaches.In the second part we go on to consider how in stark contrast to the effort being made in these days to secularize America, this country has always been a God-fearing nation. One especially vivid example of this George Washington’s 1789 proclamation of a national day of Thanksgiving, which we read in its entirety.===================Guest: Peter Dong===================BOOKSEarth’s Earliest Ages (1876; revised edition, 1911)G.H. PemberOn Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/Earths-Earliest-Ages-G-Pember/dp/0825435331The Scofield Study Bible, 1917 EditionOn Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/Old-Scofield%C2%AE-Study-Bible-Classic/dp/019527461X/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=scofield&qid=1668453592&sr=8-3Lawlessness, the Left, and the Antichrist,David CanfieldDownload the Preface and Introduction:https://thechristianfaith.org/books-02/On Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/Lawlessness-Left-Antichrist-preparing-ultimate/dp/B0BFR9V7PH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=OHGB5G8WDS9&keywords=lawlessness%2C+left%2C+canfield&qid=1668883901&s=books&sprefix=lawlessness%2C+left%2C+canfield%2Cstripbooks%2C126&sr=1-1===================MAILING LISThttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/===================OUR WEBSITEhttps://TheChristianFaith.org/
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Is the earth really only 6,000 years old? According to Christians today who accept the “Young Earth” theory, that is what the Bible teaches in Genesis 1. However, there is another view of Genesis 1, the "Gap Theory," which tells us that we just don't know, either from Genesis 1 or from the Bible as a whole, when God created “the heavens and the earth.”So In this episode we explore the “Gap Theory” of Genesis 1, and also why it is so important for us to believe that Genesis 1 gives us a historical and accurate account of the creation of “the heavens and the earth.”===================Guest: Mark Jordan===================BOOKSEarth’s Earliest Ages(1876; revised edition, 1911)G.H. PemberOn Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/Earths-Earliest-Ages-G-Pember/dp/0825435331The Scofield Study Bible 1917 EditionOn Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/Old-Scofield%C2%AE-Study-Bible-Classic/dp/019527461X/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=scofield&qid=1668453592&sr=8-3===================ONLINE RESOURCESPodcast: How did Jesus view the word of God?Jesus and the Scriptures (1) https://thechristianfaith.org/podcast-1/Jesus and the Scriptures (2) https://thechristianfaith.org/podcast-2/===================BIBLE VERSESJohn 3:12, 5:46-47: If we don’t believe Genesis, we won’t believe Jesus, either.Genesis 1:1-2: The Biblical account of creation.Genesis 19:26, Luke 17:32: Remember Lot’s wife!Genesis 6:5-7, Matthew 24:37-39: The days of Noah.Isaiah 34:6-11, esp. v. 11: God’s judgment made Edom “formless and void,” (“confusion” and “stones of emptiness,” NKJV).Jeremiah 4:23-26: The earth being “formless and void” in Genesis 1:2 was the result of God’s judgment, His “fierce anger.”Job 38:5-7: God’s creation of the earth caused the angels to shout for joy.Isaiah 45:18: God did not create the earth “formless.”Exodus 12:3, John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7: Christ is Our Passover:===================MAILING LISThttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/===================OUR WEBSITEhttps://TheChristianFaith.org/===================LIVE BROADCASTEach Saturday morning in Chicago at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was first broadcast live on Saturday, 12 November 2022.
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Last week we stressed how important it is for believers to be in the Bible, but this week we want to stress how important it is even for those who are not Christians to read it. So first we deal with some of the basic reasons people have for not reading the Bible; then we consider what some leading Americans have said about the importance of the Bible to our country. Finally, we consider some ways those who are new to the Bible may begin to read it, for example, by starting with Proverbs, or with Psalm 23.===================Guest: Joe Pope===================Websites & Web PagesWhat Leading Americans Have Said about the BibleNote: This page includes the references for the quotes given in the program.https://hbu.edu/museums/dunham-bible-museum/influence-in-history-and-culture/what-leading-americans-have-said-about-the-bible/A Schedule for Reading the Bible90Readings.org===================Bible VersesMatthew 12:25: Referred to by Lincoln in 1858; a house divided against itself cannot stand.Used by Lincoln in His Second InauguralMatthew 12:25: Woe unto the world because of offenses!Matthew 7:1: Judge note, that you be not judged.Psalm 19:9 The judgments of the Lord are true.===================Mailing Listhttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/___________Websitehttps://TheChristianFaith.org/___________Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 5 November 2022 on WNDZ in Chicago.___________ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
As the believers in Christ, it is so important for us to come to the word of God, the Bible, in a regular, consistent way! In this episode we consider this matter, as well as some things we can do to help us be in the word in a consistent way. Also, we listen to some brief clips from Mark Jordon on experiences he's had that relate to this matter of coming to the word.===================Guest: Mike SamulekListen to the Bible in 40 Readingshttps://youtube.com/channel/UCAdAT8L7KiwF7NOklkX_dMgChildren’s BookA Is for Africahttps://www.amazon.com/Africa-Michael-I-Samulak/dp/142517115X===================Websites & Web PagesA Bible Reading Schedule90Readings.org“The City of the Book”https://thechristianfaith.org/article-1/View this Episode on Our Websitehttps://thechristianfaith.org/podcast-25/===================Bible VersesJohn 6:57,63: Feasting on the Lord as our Living Bread.John 17:17: To be sanctified, we must be in the wordJudges 15:13-19: Our mind is a “city of the book.”Luke 24:25-27: Jesus explained the Scriptures to the disciples.Matthew 12:34: We speak out what’s in our heart.Matthew 5:13-14: We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.Judges 19-21: The horrible story of a man and the rape of his concubine.___________Mailing Listhttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/___________Websitehttps://TheChristianFaith.org/___________Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 29 October 2022 on WNDZ in Chicago.___________ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
What is the way to follow Jesus today? If we really desire to know the answer to this question, we must listen to what He says about following Him. When we do, we will see that it is not so much a matter of doing, but of dying (cf. John 12:24-26; Matt. 16:24-26); that is, of allowing Him to bring us to the same experience of the cross that He went through, so that we may serve Him in resurrection and eventually enter into glory with Him.===================Websites90Readings.org===================HymnsBuried? Yes, But It Is Seedhttps://www.hymnal.net/en/hymn/ns/297===================Bible VersesHebrews 10:4-7: The Son’s obedience.Psalm 40:4-7: “My ear You have opened.”Exodus 21:5-6: The vow of a slave.John 17:17: We are sanctified in the truth.John 12:20-26: The seed must fall into the earth and die.Isaiah 53:10: It pleased God to crush Him.Matthew 16:24-25: To follow Christ, we must deny ourselves.Matthew 3:13-16: The baptism of Jesus.John 15:5: Apart from Christ we can do nothing.___________Mailing Listhttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/___________Websitehttps://TheChristianFaith.org/___________Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 8 October 2022 on WNDZ in Chicago.___________ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Jesus told us very specifically, “You must be born again” (John 3:7) . Yet, to many people, even those who call themselves Christians, the concept of the new birth is very mysterious. In this edition of the podcast, therefore, we explain that, according to Jesus, we need to experience the new birth for ourselves if we are to become His followers. Then we go one to explain what this new birth actually is and what are some of its results.This is a continuation of our series explaining our brief video, "The Parable of the Four Bottles." You can find that video on the website below.===================WebsitesFourBottles.org===================BooksBorn Again, by Titus ChuOn Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/Born-Again-Our-Life-Christ/dp/1932020330/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1J9CNB9ENLYIA&keywords=titus+chu&qid=1661460120&s=digital-text&sprefix=titus+chu%2Caps%2C92&sr=1-3-catcorr===================Bible VersesJohn 3:3-7: The key Bible passage on the new birth.John 3:7: “You must be born again.”1 Peter 1:23: Regenerated though the Word of God.Romans 8:9-10: If we don’t have the Spirit we don’t belong to Christ.Romans 6:1-5: The significance of baptism.Acts 27:37: 276 souls1 Corinthians 15:52: We will be glorified in an instant.Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18: We are being transformed in our mind by beholding ChristJohn 3:6: The new birth takes place in our human spirit.John 5:24: The assurance of our salvation.Acts 26:18: The steps of salvation.1 John 5:19: The whole world lies in the evil one.Colossians 1:12-13: Transferred into the Son’s kingdom.John 17:26, Romans 8:10, Colossians 1:27: Christ within us.2 Peter 1:4: Partakers of the divine nature.Ephesians 3:16-17: Christ making home in our heart.1 John 5:18: The whole world lies in the Evil One.2 Corinthians 5:17: A new creation in Christ.Ezekiel 36-25-26: A new heart and a new spirit.1 Corinthians 9:24-27: The Christian life is a race.___________Mailing Listhttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/___________Websitehttps://TheChristianFaith.org/___________Live BroadcastIn the Chicago area you can listen to the live broadcast each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 15 October 2022.___________ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Segment One: The Bible is mysterious because it is a book of life, not merely a book of teaching, history, or morality. What it shows us is that God’s eternal purpose is to impart Himself into as life to bring us into relation with Himself, so that we may become His expression.Segment Two: Because the Bible is a book of life, it is mysterious, and we need to learn how to come to it in a proper way. In this segment Mark Jordan joins us to share that, while we treasure the black and white words of the Bible, we need to exercise ourselves to see more in the Bible than only what is on the surface. We can do this because now Christ has appeared, showing us that the entire Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, is really about Himself.===================Guest: Mark Jordan from Goshen, Indiana===================Bible VersesEphesians 3:11: God’s eternal purpose.Genesis 1:26-27: The creation of man.John 10:34, Psalm 82:6: Jesus said we are gods.Matthew 12:12: More than sheep.Genesis 2:7,18: God only breathed into man.Genesis 2:9,16-17: He wanted us to partake of the tree of life.Revelation 22:1-2,14: The tree of life at the end of the BibleJohn 1:1:4,10:10: God wants to give us His life!Romans 3:23: The two sides of salvation.John 17:3: We know God by the divine life.2 Peter 1:4: We are partakers of the divine nature.John 5:39: The Bible should bring us to Christ.Exodus 12, 1 Corinthians 5:7: Christ is our Passover.2 Corinthians 3:16: We see Christ in the Bible when our heart opens to the Lord.John 3:14: Jesus is the brass serpent.John 6:32: Jesus is the real bread from heaven.___________BooksThe Secret of the Faith Life by Andrew MurrayOn Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Faith-Life-Andrew-Murray-ebook/dp/B075LTLK5X___________Mailing Listhttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/___________Websitehttps://TheChristianFaith.org/___________Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 8 October 2022 on WNDZ in Chicago.___________ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.