Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Segment One: Have you ever wondered, why did Jesus die on the cross? Was it really necessary? Was there no other way for God to save us? And what is the effect of His death as far as our sins are concerned? In this episode of the podcast we consider these questions.This is a continuation of our look at the “Parable of the Four Bottles,” which we use to illustrate the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a brief video you can watch via the website below.===================Guest: Peter Dong from Naperville, Illinois===================Web PagesWatch the “Four Bottles” Videohttps://www.FourBottles.org/===================Bible VersesHebrews 9:22: There is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood.Hebrews 10:4, 8-10: Animal sacrifices can't take away sin, but Jesus took them away once for all..Leviticus 16: The Day of Atonement.John 1:29: Behold the Lamb!1 John 1:9: God is righteous to forgive us.1 Peter 2:22-25: Jesus bore our sins in His body.Isaiah 53, especially vv. 5-6,10: The prophecy of Jesus’ death.Psalm 22:1: Why God forsook Jesus.Hebrews 1:3: The One who bore our sin is now at the right hand of God.Romans 8:34-35,37: Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.Hebrews 10:4: It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.Revelation 12:10 Overcoming by the blood.John 19:30: "It is finished!"Romans 1:17: The power of the gospel.John 15:5: We can do nothing apart from Christ.Philippians 4:13: We can do all things in Christ.Luke 18:14-19: Only the sinner was saved.Romans 4:25, Hebrews 1:3: The resurrection of Jesus proves we are justified.Romans 5:1: Being justified, we have peace toward God!___________BooksThe Power of the Blood of Jesus,by Andrew MurrayOn Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/Power-Blood-Jesus-Andrew-Murray/dp/1546771700___________Mailing Listhttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/___________Websitehttps://TheChristianFaith.org/___________Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 24 September 2022 on WNDZ in Chicago.___________ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Saturday Sep 24, 2022
Segment One: We talk with Chris Miller, a brother in central Illinois who each October hosts a three-day “Father Son Camp” for about 500 men and their boys. This is a wonderful opportunity for Fathers and sons to spend time together in a healthy environment that encourages boys and young men to mature in a healthy way, so that they can formed to grow up as proper men in the Lord.Segment Two: We consider the matter of the overcomes in Revelation 2-3, and also the Lord’s parable of the minas in Luke 19. While we appreciate the Lord’s grace, we must also realize that He expects us to gain a profit for Him, and at His return He will call us before Him so that “He may know” what we gained for Him (Luke 19:15).===================Web PagesFather Son Camp Websitehttps://www.fathersoncamp.org/Podcast: The Wise and Foolish Virginshttps://thechristianfaith.org/podcast-11/Post: How Much Did You Gain?https://thechristianfaith.org/note-82/===================Guest: Chris Miller===================Bible VersesRevelation 22:5: We will reign with Christ for eternityRevelation 20:4-6: We will reign with Christ for 1,000 yearsRomans 8:9-10: If we don’t have the Spirit, we don’t belong to Christ2 Corinthians 5:10 We will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ1 Corinthians 9:25-27: Even Paul was not sure he would win the prizePhilippians 2:12-13: We need to work out our salvation.Revelation 2:7,11,17,26-28;3:5,12,21: The overcomers1 John 2:13-14,5:4-5: How we have overcome.Luke 19:11-27: The Parable of the Minas.Luke 19:15: How much did you gain for the Lord?Matthew 25:30: The useless servant will be cast into the outer darkness.Matthew 25:10-13: We may miss the wedding feast with the Lord. Watch therefore!___________BooksThe Salvation of the Soul, by Watchman NeeOn Amazon.com:https://www.amazon.com/Salvation-Soul-Watchman-Nee/dp/0935008314On ChristianBook.com:https://www.christianbook.com/salvation-of-the-soul/watchman-nee/9780935008319/pd/008319___________Mailing Listhttps://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/___________Websitehttps://TheChristianFaith.org/___________Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 24 September 2022 on WNDZ in Chicago.___________ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
The passing of Queen Elizabeth may serve as a reminder to us, the believers in Christ, that we are destined to reign with Christ for eternity. So, in the first segment we bring in a guest to discuss the British Monarchy and Elizabeth’s reign. She was a remarkable ruler of Great Britain, and seems to have been a real believer in Christ as well.In the second segment we have a round-table discussion. We focus on what it means to reign with Christ today in His life (Rom. 5:17), so that we may be prepared to reign with Him in the next age in position, that is, by sharing His throne with Him (Rev. 3:21, 20:4; cf. Luke 19:11-27).NOTE: Due to technical problems and a poor connection with one of the brothers, we had to edit out several portions of this segment, so it may seem disjointed at some points. But, I still feel it is a valuable discussion.===================Guest for Segment 1: David HayesGuests for Segment 2: John Krause, Joe Pope,===================Bible Verses Cited in this ProgramRevelation 22:5: We will reign with Christ for eternityRevelation 20:4-6: We will reign with Christ for 1,000 yearsRevelation 3:21: The overcomers will reign with ChristRevelation 2:26-27; cf. Psalm 2:9: Those who endure will rule over the nationsMatthew 19:27-28: The Twelve Apostles will sit on thrones1 Corinthians 9:25-27: Even the Apostle Paul was not sure he would win the prize2 Timothy 2:12: If we endure, we shall reign2 Timothy 4:7-8: All those who love the Lord’s appearing will receive the crown.Romans 5:17: We reign in life today by receiving the abundance of grace.___________Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/___________WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://TheChristianFaith.org/___________Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 17 September 2022 on WNDZ in Chicago.___________ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Revelation 22:5, speaking of the believers, says:They shall reign forever and ever.However, Revelation 20:4 says:They lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.While all of the believers will reign with Christ for eternity, to reign with Him during the 1,000 years of His millennial kingdom will be a reward that is only given to those believers who faithfully follow Christ in this age (Rev. 3:21; cf. 1 Cor. 9:25-27). In this episode we look at some of the portions in the New Testament that speak of this truth.===================Guest: Joe Pope===================Websites Cited in this Programhttps://FourBottles.org___________Web Pages Cited in this Program“How the Lord Is Testing Us”https://thechristianfaith.org/quote-9/___________Books Cited in this ProgramThe Salvation of the Soul, by Watchman Neehttps://www.amazon.com/Salvation-Soul-Watchman-Nee/dp/0935008314__________Bible Verses Cited in this ProgramRevelation 22:5We will reign with Christ for eternityRevelation 20:4-6We will reign with Christ for 1,000 yearsRevelation 1:6, 5:10He has made us “kings” or “a kingdom.”Revelation 3:21The overcomers will reign with ChristRevelation 2:26-27; cf. Psalm 2:9Those who endure will rule over the nationsMatthew 19:27-28The Twelve Apostles will sit on thrones1 Corinthians 9:25-27Even the Apostle Paul was not sure he would win the prizeRevelation 21:7Eventually, every believer will be an overcomer.2 Timothy 2:12If we endure, we shall reign___________Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/___________WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://TheChristianFaith.org/___________Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was broadcast live on Saturday, 10 September 2022 on WNDZ in Chicago.___________ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Segment One: We continue to consider “What is the meaning of life? using a 3-minute video called, “The Parable of the Four Bottles”; which you can see on FourBottles.org. We first consider how God made us in a special way for a special purpose, and then go on to consider the significance of the FallSegment Two: An interview with Dave Shields of Akron, Ohio. We especially consider the importance of the conscience in helping us to turn back to God.===================Guest: Dave Shields===================Websites Cited in this Programhttps://FourBottles.org___________Pages Cited in this Program“Upon this One Will I Look”https://thechristianfaith.org/the-gospel-to-this-one-will-i-look/___________Bible Verses Cited in this ProgramZechariah 12:1 Man is the center of the universe.Romans 3:23 Our two basic problems before God.Genesis 2:16-17 God wanted us to eat of the Tree of Life.Hebrews 1:14 The angels are our servants.Revelation 4:10 The angels will cast down their crowns when we are ready to reignRevelation 22:5 We shall reign eternally.Genesis 3:5 AAt the time of the Fall our conscience became active; cf. Gen. 3:22._____Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://TheChristianFaith.org/Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00 on Radio AM 750, WNDZ.This edition of the program was pre-recorded on Tuesday, 30 August 2020 for broadcast on Saturday, 3 September 2022.ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Segment One: So many today are asking, “What is the meaning of life? Why do I exist?” To help answer this question we’ve created a 3-minute video called, “The Parable of the Four Bottles,” which you can see on FourBottles.org. In this segment, we consider this parable, and how it answer the question of why we exist.Segment Two: An interview with Mark Jordan of Goshen, Indiana, again focusing on what is the meaning of life.===================Guest: Mark Jordan===================Websites Cited in this Programhttps://FourBottles.org___________Bible Verses Cited in this ProgramGenesis 2:7 The creation of manJohn 3:6 We are born anew in our spiritRomans 9:23 The believers are vessels prepared for gloryGenesis 2:9 The two trees in the gardenGenesis 2:16-17 God wanted us to eat of the Tree of LifeRevelation 22:14 The Tree of Life at the end of the BibleJohn 10:10 Jesus came that we may have lifeJohn 1:1,4 The Son of God as the Eternal Word desires to communicate God’s life to mankindRomans 3:24,28 We are justified by faith in ChristRomans 3:23 Our two basic problems before GodRevelation 21:10-11 The New Jerusalem has the glory of GodJohn 10:34; cf. Psalm 82:6-7 Jesus said we are gods_____Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://TheChristianFaith.org/Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00on WNDZ, Radio AM 750.This edition of the program first aired live on Saturday, 27 August 2022ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Segment One: As Christians, we are responsible to sow the seed, but we also need to realize that we cannot get anyone saved; only the Lord can do that. We also look at the story of the rich man and Lazarus, and consider its warning to the unsaved, but also what it shows us as believers about the need to go to our friends and loved ones with the gospel today.Segment Two: We are joined by brother Peter Dong from Naperville, who shares about his experience as a high school teacher and some opportunities he’s had to share the Lord with young people, or just to talk with them about the meaning of life.===================Guest: Peter Dong===================Bible Verses Cited in this ProgramThe story of the Rich Man and LazarusLuke 16:19-31We cannot serve two mastersLuke 16:13If we hear and believe the Lord’s word we shall be savedJohn 5:24_____Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00on WNDZ, Radio AM 750.This program first aired live on Saturday, 20 August 2022.ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Segment One: n this episode we look at the parable of the sower from the standpoint of our spiritual growth. We consider the very sober lesson the Lord is showing us in this parable, that so many of His believers, who have truly been regenerated by the word of life, the word of the kingdom, will not bring forth any fruit to maturity.Segment Two: We are joined by brother Rex Beck from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, to look at this same parable from the standpoint of what it shows us about the preaching of the gospel.===================Guest: Rex Beck===================Bible Verses Cited in this ProgramThe Parable of the SowerMatthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:1-15Regenerated by an incorruptible seed1 Peter 1:23_____Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00on WNDZ, Radio AM 750.This program first aired live on Saturday, 13 August 2022ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Part One: The parable of the sower in Matthew 13 shows us that the divine life comes into us as a seed. Thus, our new birth in Christ is not the end of the Lord’s work within us, but only the beginning, for this seed must grow and develop until it brings forth the fruit the Lord desires.This parable also shows us that, for our labor in the gospel to be effective, we must learn to deal with an unspeakably evil and determined foe.Part Two: In the second half of this program we bring on a long-time “no till” farmer and expert in soil management, to ask him what makes soil healthy. From this we may learn about keeping the “soil” of our heart healthy so that the seed we have received may eventually bear fruit unto the Lord.===================Guests: Keith Miller, Mark Jordan===================Bible Verses Cited in this ProgramThe Parable of the SowerMatthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:1-15Regenerated by an incorruptible seed1 Peter 1:23Satan is the Father of LiesJohn 8:44Learning from the earthJob 12:7-10, especially v. 8_____Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00on WNDZ, Radio AM 750.This program first aired live on Saturday, 30 July 2022ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Segment One: The parable of the sower, and the Lord’s explanation of why He speaks to the crowds, both then and now, in parables.Segment Two: The Lord’s explanation of the parable itself. The seed He has sown into us contains everything we need for our spiritual growth. But the question is, what kind of heart do we have towards the Lord? That will determine how the seed grows and develops within us and whether we can ultimately bear fruit unto the Lord.Segment Three: Fellowship with Brother Joe Pope from Pittsburgh about this parable and the power of the word of God as the seed.===================Guest: Joe Pope===================Bible Verses Cited in this ProgramThe Parable of the SowerMatthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:1-15Regenerated by an incorruptible seed1 Peter 1:23Books Referred to in this EpisodeWitness LeePractical Lessons on the Experience of Life, pages 197-202.On Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com/Practical-Lessons-Experience-Life-Witness/dp/0736312412Paul E. BillheimerDestined for the ThroneOn Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com/Destined-Throne-Spiritual-Warfare-Prepares/dp/0764200356_____Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/Live BroadcastIf you are in the Chicago area, you can listen to the live broadcast of this program each Saturday morning at 9:00on WNDZ, Radio AM 750.This program first aired live on Saturday, 30 July 2022ResponsibilityDavid Canfield is solely responsible for the content of this program.