Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Segment One: If we love the Lord and desire to follow Him, we need to spend the time and effort to gain a basic understanding of biblical prophecy.Segment Two: The seven dispensations combine to show there is no conceivable circumstance under which man can rule himself apart from God.The Millennium will be the age in which Christ deals with the last rebellious elements of mankind (Rev. 20:1-6, 1 Cor. 15:20-28).Segment Three: Fellowship with Brother Peter Dong from Naperville about the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. This is a serious warning to the believers, that if we are “foolish” and do not pay the price to gain the oil in this age, we will not be able to enter into the wedding feast during the Millennium.===================Guest: Peter Dong===================Bible Verses Cited in this ProgramActs 1:11“Why do you stand, gazing into heaven?”Matthew 6:9-10The kingdom of the heavens is when the will of God in heaven is done on the earth.Hosea 4:6God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.Matthew 24:48The church lost its testimony because it set aside the present hope of the Lord’s return.Hebrews 6:1So often, Christians do not advance beyond the basic truths.2 Peter 1:3-4We partake of the divine nature through God’s magnificent promises.John 17:17To be sanctified we must be in the truth.Revelation 20:1-7The description of the Millennium and Satan’s and mankind’s final rebellion.Revelation 2:26-27The overcoming saints will rule over the nations with a rod of iron.1 Corinthians 15:20-28A description of Christ’s Millennial reign.Ephesians 5:5The kingdom of Christ is during the Millennium.Matthew 25:1-13The Parable of the 10 Virgins.Revelation 21-22We will be on the earth in eternity__________Books Referred to in this EpisodeWitness LeeThe Way to Carry Out the VisionElders’ Training, Book 3, pages 94, 144On Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com/way-carry-vision-Elders-training/dp/087083116XG.H. PemberGreat Prophecies, Volumes 1 & 2On SchoettlePublishing.comVolume 1http://schoettlepublishing.com/bookpreviews/pember/gentiles,jews,church/preview.htmVolume 2http://schoettlepublishing.com/bookpreviews/pember/israelgentiles/preview.htm_____Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/Live BroadcastSaturday, 23 July 2022 on WNDZ, AM 750 in Chicago.David Canfield is solely responsible for its content.
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Segment One: Today is Man’s Day (1 Cor. 4:3, Darby), but the Day of the Lord will come soon, in which we will receive our inheritance from our heavenly Father. However, if we are not faithful in this age, we may lose our inheritance in the next age, the Millennium. But, eventually, all the believers in Christ will enjoy their inheritance together with God in the New Jerusalem for eternity.Segment Two: Jesus gave us many parables, so we need to consider, what is the use of allegory in the Bible? What is the right way to come to an allegory? Brother Mark Jordan joins the program to help us consider these questions.===================Guest: Mark Jordan===================Bible Verses Cited in this Program1 Corinthians 4:3 (Darby, RcV)“The Day of Man.”Psalm 12Mankind’s rebellion in his speaking.Daniel 7:18,22The saints shall receive the kingdom.Psalm 94:15Judgment will return to righteousnessRevelation 16:14, 6:16-17, Isaiah 2:10:19; Rev. 20:11-12“The great day of God Almighty.”;Revelation 22:14The sinners will stand before God Himself.Romans 4:16, Galatians 3:18The believer’s inheritance as a gift given by promise.1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-21, Hebrews 12:17,We may lose the inheritance by an improper living.Ephesians 5:5The Millennium with be "the kingdom of Christ and of God.”'Revelation 21:7Eventually, every believer will be an overcomer.John 5:46Moses wrote about Jesus.Luke 24:27Jesus showed them from the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.John 1::1; 1 John 1:1He was in the beginning and from the beginningMatthew 25:1-13The Parable of the 10 Virgins.____________Books Referred to in this EpisodeWatchman Nee,Changed Into His LikenessOn Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com/Changed-Into-His-Likeness-Watchman/dp/0875088597D.M. Panton,The Judgment Seat of ChristOn Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com/Judgment-Seat-Christ-D-Panton/dp/B000K78GYK____________Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/Live BroadcastThis program was first broadcast on Saturday, 16 July 2022 on WNDZ, AM 750 in Chicago.David Canfield is solely responsible for its content.
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
In the New Testament only the Gospel of Matthew speaks of “the Kingdom of the Heavens.” To be in the Kingdom of the Heavens today means we live our lives under the ruling of the heavenly Christ, when the Kingdom of the Heavens is hidden. This will prepare us to reign with Christ when the Kingdom of the Heavens is openly manifested during His 1,000 year reign on the earth. If we are not faithful, we may end up in the outer darkness during that period.This is illustrated by the parable of the ten virgins (Matt.25:1-13), five of whom were wise and five of whom were foolish. The difference is, some paid the price to gain the extra supply of oil; these went in to the wedding feast. But, some did not gain the extra oil, and as a result, were shut out of the wedding feast. This is a very serious warning to the believers; as the Lord says, we must “Watch therefore!” (Matt.25:13).______________Articles Referred to in this EpisodeIn this episode I refer to an article we sent out as an email this morning, “The Kingdom and the Darkness.” You can find that article on this page of our website:https://thechristianfaith.org/note-2022-041/And if you’d like to add yourself to our mailing list to receive these emails, you can do that via the link below.Mailing ListTo receive our emails about the Christian life, sign up on this page: https://thechristianfaith.org/subscribe/WebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/Live BroadcastThis program was first broadcast on Saturday, 9 July 2022 on WNDZ, AM 750 in Chicago. David Canfield is solely responsible for its content.
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
Saturday Jul 02, 2022
As the believers in Christ, we can and should have the assurance of our eternal salvation; praise the Lord for that! However, we cannot have the assurance we will reign with Christ during the Millennium; even the Apostle Paul was not assured of that (1 Cor. 9:24-10:5).In fact, we will not know whether that 1,000 years will be a time of reward or discipline for us until we appear before the judgment seat of Christ, where we will be rewarded according to our works after we were saved (2 Cor. 5:10).______________Books Referred to in this EpisodeIn this episode I refer to Watchman Nee’s book, The Salvation of the Soul. You can find that book via the links below:On Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/Salvation-Soul-Watchman-Nee/dp/0935008314On ChristianBook.comhttps://www.christianbook.com/salvation-of-the-soul/watchman-nee/9780935008319/pd/008319?kw=1241348712202415&mt=b&dv=c&event=PPCSRC&p=1215904&msclkid=a7fa94d51e001eb31534f615b39dc40cWebsiteFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/Live BroadcastThis program was first broadcast on Saturday, 2 July 2022 on WNDZ, AM 750 in Chicago. David Canfield is solely responsible for its content.
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Segment 1: To enter into the experience of transformation we need to have some basic concepts about this matter. First, as we’ve covered in previous programs, to be transformed means that Christ Himself is being formed in our being (2 Cor. 3:18, Gal. 4:19). Second, we have to realize that transformation has nothing to do with sin. That is, even if we’d never sinned, we would still need to be transformed so that God could bring us into relationship with Himself.Segment 2: Another crucial concept is to understand that man is a three-part being. The false teaching that the spirit and the soul are the same thing comes from Plato, not come from the Bible. This is important, because we need to understand that we are regenerated in our spirit (John 3:6), but we are transformed in our soul (Rom. 12:2).Segment 3: A discussion with Peter Dong on the way or transformation, and also how we can enter into transformation.===================Guest: Peter Dong===================BooksIn Segment 1 I refer to Andrew Murray’s book, The Secret of the Faith Life; you can find that book via the links belowOn Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Faith-Life-Andrew-Murray/dp/1619582708On ChristianBook.com: https://www.christianbook.com/the-secret-of-the-faith-life/andrew-murray/9781619582705/pd/582705?kw=1241348712202415&mt=b&dv=c&event=PPCSRC&p=1215904&msclkid=5925da73f83b1722d32ab8cb51e9d30bWebsite:For additional helps and materials on the Christian life, please visit us online at: https://TheChristianFaith.org/Original Broadcast:This program was first broadcast on Saturday, 25 June 2022 on WNDZ, AM 750 in Chicago. David Canfield is solely responsible for its content.
Saturday Jun 18, 2022
Saturday Jun 18, 2022
Segment 1: Our justification in Christ is the foundation for our Christian life, so if we are to live the Christian life as God desires, we need to have a proper understanding of how God justifies us. That is, he does not make us righteous in ourselves; rather, He transfers us into Christ, so that Christ Himself becomes our righteousness. Also, we consider further some examples of transformation, both from nature and from the Bible.Segment 2: A further consideration of the Greek word for “transformation,” which is metamorphoō, and also of its root word, morphoō. The later in its noun form is only used of Christ Himself, but as a verb it is used in regards to the believers, in Galatians 4:19, when Paul states that “My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you.” This is “transformation,” for Christ to be formed in the believers; it was the apostle’s burden, and it should be ours as well (cf. Col. 1:24-29 and Ephesians 3:14-19.Segment 3: A discussion with Brother Mark Jordon, where he shares on the life of Jacob, who is the outstanding example in the Old Testament of one who was transformed by God’s work in his life.===================Guest: Mark Jordan===================For additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/This program was first broadcast on Saturday, 18 June 2022 on WNDZ, AM 750 in Chicago.
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Segment 1: In the entire New Testament, the best example of transformation is the Apostle Peter. He began as “Simon, Son of John.” But, the very first time the Lord saw him He told him that he would be called “Peter,” which means “a stone” (John 1:42). So, the Lord was really saying to him, “I am going to transform you into a stone for God’s building.” That transformation began with the Father’s revelation to Peter of who Christ really was (Matt. 16:16-18) and all the Lord’s dealings with him that we see in the four Gospels, and continued throughout the book of Acts and in his letters. We see the consummation of Peter’s transformation at the very end of the New Testament, where Peter’s name is on one of the foundations of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:14), symbolizing that, just as the Lord said, Peter had indeed become a “stone” for God’s building. But, this experience is not just for Peter; it’s for all of the Lord’s believers, as Peter himself tells us (1 Peter 2:4-5).Outside of the Bible, nature also provides us with wonderful examples of transformation, in petrified wood and in the process a caterpillar goes through to become a butterfly.Segment 2: Transformation is one of the six basic steps we pass through to enter fully into the salvation God provides for us. These six steps are: Justification, Regeneration, Sanctification, Transformation, Glorification, and Conformation.Segment 3: A discussion with Brother Rex Beck on these topics, and also on the New Testament words for “Transformation” and “Transfiguration.”For additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/===================Guest: Rex Beck===================
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Saturday Jun 04, 2022
Segment 1: Jesus is both “inclusive” and “exclusive.” That is, He will receive anyone who comes to Him for salvation and give them the gift of eternal life, regardless of who they are, where they are from, or what kind of person they are (John 6:37, 5:24, 3:16). But, He is also “exclusive,” in the sense that He states, over and over again, that He is the only way of salvation. That is, our eternal destiny depends entirely on our relationship with Him; according to Jesus, there is no other way of salvation (John 8:24, 10:7-9, 14:6).Segment 2: We continue to consider the matter of transformation. In this episode, we seek to answer the question of, “What Is Transformaton?” We do this in part by looking at how the Greek word for transformation, metamorphoō, is translated, and mistranslated, in the English versions of the New Testament.Segment 3: A discussion with Brother Joe Pope on these topics.===================Guest: Joe Pope===================In this episode I refer again to Philip Mauro’s book, Life in the Word (1909); I highly recommend it. You can purchase it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Word-Philip-Mauro/dp/0343029871/ref=sr_1_1?crid=12V4I873CDIFL&keywords=mauro+life+in+the+word&qid=1654128522&sprefix=mauro+life+in+the+word%2Caps%2C854&sr=8-1An free online edition is available here: https://archive.org/details/lifeinword00mauruoft/mode/2upFor additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Segment 1: Jesus is both “inclusive” and “exclusive.” That is, He will receive anyone who comes to Him for salvation and give them the gift of eternal life, regardless of who they are, where they are from, or what kind of person they are (John 6:37, 5:24, 3:16). But, He is also “exclusive,” in the sense that He states, over and over again, that He is the only way of salvation. That is, our eternal destiny depends entirely on our relationship with Him; according to Jesus, there is no other way of salvation (John 8:24, 10:7-9, 14:6).Segment 2: We continue to consider the matter of transformation. In this episode, we seek to answer the question of, “What Is Transformaton?” We do this in part by looking at how the Greek word for transformation, metamorphoō, is translated, and mistranslated, in the English versions of the New Testament.Segment 3: A discussion with Brother Joe Pope on these topics.For additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/This program was first broadcast on Saturday, 4 June 2022 on WNDZ, AM 750 in Chicago.=============In this episode I refer again to Philip Mauro’s book, Life in the Word (1909); I highly recommend it. You can purchase it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Word-Philip-Mauro/dp/0343029871/ref=sr_1_1?crid=12V4I873CDIFL&keywords=mauro+life+in+the+word&qid=1654128522&sprefix=mauro+life+in+the+word%2Caps%2C854&sr=8-1An free online edition is available here: https://archive.org/details/lifeinword00mauruoft/mode/2up
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Segments 1 & 2: The first part of this program reviews, and considers further, what we covered in the previous episode, namely, how did Jesus view the Scripture? And how, during His earthly ministry, did He come to the written word of God, the Jewish Scripture, what we today call the Old Testament?Segment 3: In the final segment of the program I deal with the first of the attacks upon the Scripture that are unique to our time, namely, the “Young Earth Theory.” This view that the Bible teaches us that the earth and the universe are only about 6,000 years old is promoted by sincere, well-meaning Christians, but nonetheless, it has been used to discredit the Bible in the eyes of countless people over the last century. In fact, the Bible does not tell us the age of the earth or the universe, because there is a gap between Gensis 1:1 and 1:2. This is called the “Gap Theory,” and it is the only theory of Creation that is consistent with the rest of the Bible.For additional helps and materials on the Christian life, you can visit us online at: https://thechristianfaith.org/This program was first broadcast live on Saturday, May 21, 2022 on WNDZ, AM 750 in Chicago.===================In this episode I refer again to Philip Mauro’s book, Life in the Word (1909); I highly recommend it. You can purchase it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Word-Philip-Mauro/dp/0343029871/ref=sr_1_1?crid=12V4I873CDIFL&keywords=mauro+life+in+the+word&qid=1654128522&sprefix=mauro+life+in+the+word%2Caps%2C854&sr=8-1An free online edition is available here: https://archive.org/details/lifeinword00mauruoft/mode/2up