The Christian Faith Podcast

The Christian Faith Radio Hour exists, along with website, to help address the need for a healthy word of ministry among God’s children today.

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Whither America?

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023

Since its very beginning, America has always been a refuge for God’s persecuted people. Today, however, with lawlessness so much on the rise in this country, it may seem that its days of serving as such place may be coming to an end.
However, there is a verse in the Bible that gives us reason to hope that even during the Great Tribulation, America will still be a place to which God’s people may flee for safety. In this shortcast we consider this verse, namely, Revelation 12:14.
Video: Introducing the Standard Version of the New Testament
Podcast 48: “The Antichrist in Daniel 7: (1): The One Who Will Change the Laws.”
Podcast 50: “The Antichrist in Daniel 7: Leftism & the Mystery of Lawlessness”
Book: Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist.
Daniel 7:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:7: The Antichrist will intend to change the times and the law.
Revelation 12:14: Even during the Great Tribulation, America may still be a refuge for God’s people.
Luke 2:1, Daniel 2:37-38: The prophetic earth.
This edition of the program was recorded on Monday, 19 June 2023.

Wednesday May 31, 2023

There is a key statement in Daniel 7:25 regarding the coming Antichrist:
He...shall intend to change times and law.
If we want to understand the times we live in, we need to understand what this means. In brief, as G.H. Pember says, the Antichrist...
...will aim at an entire reconstruction of human society, upon principles which have long been working beneath the surface in a mystery of lawlessness.
And indeed it is this “mystery of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:7) that is already at work today, mainly through the efforts of the social and political Left, to overthrow any standard of righteousness in our society. As Pember also says:
France..., by the revolution of 1789, began to spread the principles of that anarchy out of which Antichrist will arise.
Drawing a good deal from my own book, Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist, we consider in this episode how this will eventually result in mankind’s final apostasy against God (2 Thess. 2:3) and thus prepare the way for the coming of the last great evil leader of fallen mankind.
Podcast 48: “The Antichrist in Daniel 7: (1): The One Who Will Change the Laws.”
Book: Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist.
Book: Suicide of the West, by James Burnham.
Wikipedia: “The French Revolution.”
Booklet: “Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model”
Book: Modern Times, Revised Edition: The World from the Twenties to the Nineties
For a list of Bible verses and other resources referred to in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website:
This edition of the program was recorded beginning on Monday, 22 May 2023.

Sunday May 21, 2023

When we look at the three different types of crowns for the believers mentioned in the New Testament, we see that they are the expression of the divine nature we received when we were born anew in Christ (John 1:12-13, 2 Pet. 1:4). They are the crown of righteousness (1 Tim. 4:8), the crown of life (James 1:12, Rev. 2:10), and the crown of glory (1 Pet. 5:4).
So, in a very real sense, we should experience these crowns today, by allowing the life we received as a seed in the new birth (1 Pet. 1:23) to grow and develop from within us, until others can see us “crowned” with the divine righteousness, the divine life, and the divine glory manifested in our daily living.
Podcast 47: “The Reward of a Crown”
Article: Tiredness of Life: The Growing Phenomenon in Western Society
For a list of Bible verses and other resources referred to in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website:
This edition of the program was recorded on Saturday, 20 May 2023.

Wednesday May 17, 2023

Program DescriptionThere is a key statement in Daniel 7:25 regarding the coming Antichrist:
He...shall intend to change times and law.
If we want to understand the times we live in, we need to understand what this means. In brief, as G.H. Pember says, the Antichrist...
...will aim at an entire reconstruction of human society, upon principles which have long been working beneath the surface in a mystery of lawlessness.— Great Prophecies, Volume 2, page 281
And indeed it is this “mystery of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:7) that is already at work today, mainly through the efforts of the social and political Left, to overthrow any standard of righteousness in or society.
Drawing a good deal from my own book, Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist, we consider in this episode how this will eventually result in mankind’s final apostasy against God (2 Thess. 2:3) and thus prepare the way for the coming of the last great evil leader of fallen mankind.
The Writings of G.H. Pember.
BOOK: Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist.
DOWNLOAD: The Preface and Introduction to Lawlessness.
PODCAST: #45: “Daniel 7: The Antichrist & the Four Beasts.”
VIDEO: My Testimony of How I Became a Christian.
For a list of Bible verses and other resources referred to in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website:
This edition of the program was recorded beginning on Thursday, 11 May 2023.

The Reward of a Crown

Wednesday May 10, 2023

Wednesday May 10, 2023

Program DescriptionThe New Testament speaks of the believers receiving crowns a total of six times. (In another two instances crowns are referred to in a mostly metaphorical way.) In each of these instances, the crown is a reward earned as a result of faithfully following and serving Christ (e.g., 2 Tim. 4:7-8). In the New Testament, crowns are never given simply as a free gift of grace. So in this shortcast, we briefly look at each case in the New Testament of believers being rewarded with crowns, to illustrate the principle that we must one day give an answer to the Lord for how we lived our Christian life (2 Cor. 5:10).
The continuation of this podcast is now available. It is here:
Podcast: Podcast 49: “The Crown that Comes from Within”
Brief Notes
A Brief Note: “Will You Wear a Crown”
A Brief Note: “By Parables and Plain Words”
A Brief Note: “What Is the Kingdom of the Outer Darkness?”
The Christian Faith Radio Hour is presented by David Canfield as an extension of website. Both that website and this podcast exist to provide a healthy word of ministry for God’s children today, and to present the truths of the gospel to the world.
David lives in Chicago, Illinois where he has been serving the Lord on a full-time basis for over 25 years. He is the author of Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist, which is now available in paperback from Amazon.
For a list of Bible verses and other resources referred to in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website:
This edition of the program was recorded on Tuesday, 9 May 2023.

Saturday Apr 29, 2023

Program DescriptionAs the believers in Christ, our eternal destiny is already secured; thank the Lord for that! But, where will we be during the 1,000 year reign of Christ on the earth, the millennium? (Rev. 20:1-10). Will that be a time of enjoyment and blessing for us? Or a time of suffering and shame? That is not yet determined; rather, it depends, not on whether we believe in Christ, but on whether we are faithful to follow Him in this age or not.This is a side of the truth few Christians today are aware of, namely, that we are responsible before the Lord for how we live our Christian life, and will give an account to Him regarding that at the judgment seat of Christ. (2 Cor. 5:10; cf. Matt. 16:24-27). That judgment could even result in our being cast, for a time, into the “outer darkness” (Matt. 22:13, 25:30).So in this shortcast we briefly consider, first, our responsibility as Christians, and then, just what is the outer darkness?

Thursday Apr 27, 2023

As the believers in Christ, we need to have a basic grounding in what the Bible shows us regarding the Antichrist and human government.While this is a very negative topic, it is nonetheless a part of the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). And even the Apostle Paul made sure the young believers he was caring for in Thessalonica knew this evil ruler was coming (2 Thess. 2:5).Moreover, if we have a clear view of who the Antichrist is, and of the real nature nature of human government, we will see through the world’s false appearance. This will greatly help us to be those who “do not love the world” (1 John 2:15).So in this podcast we look at Daniel 7, which is where the Biblical revelation of the Antichrist begins.===================ABOUTThe Christian Faith Radio Hour is presented by David Canfield as an extension of website. Both that website and this podcast exist to provide a healthy word of ministry for God’s children today, and to present the truths of the gospel to the world.David lives in Chicago, Illinois where he has been serving the Lord on a full-time basis for over 25 years. He is the author of Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist, which is now available in paperback from Amazon.===================RESOURCES REFERRED TO IN THIS EPISODEBrief NotesA Brief Note: “Gather Up the Broken Pieces”A Brief Note: “The Talents and the Minas” (2)PodcastsPodcast 40: “Daniel: A Man Who Saw Visions”===================BIBLE VERSESFor a list of Bible verses and other resources referred to in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website: WEBSITE US ON…FacebookYouTube===================RECORDINGThis edition of the program was recorded in segments beginning on Monday, 24 April 2023.

Friday Apr 21, 2023

In his vision in Revelation 20, the Apostle John records how Satan will be bound and cast into the abyss for the 1,000 years of the Millennium, while at the same time the saints will be reigning over this present earth. Hallelujah!But, is this something that is actually going to happen? Or, is this chapter just speaking in a symbolic way, as some Bible teachers claim?In this edition of the Radio Hour “Shortcast” (it’s just over 10 minutes long) we look at an event from the earthly ministry of Jesus that gives us a definitive answer to this question.===================ABOUTThe Christian Faith Radio Hour is presented by David Canfield as an extension of website.Both that website and this podcast exist to provide a healthy word of ministry for God’s children today, and to present the truths of the gospel to the world.David lives in Chicago, Illinois where he has been serving the Lord on a full-time basis for over 25 years.He is the author of Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist, which is now available in paperback from Amazon.===================RESOURCES REFERRED TO IN THIS EPISODENotesA Brief Note: “The Seals, the Trumpets, & the Bowls” (1)A Brief Note: “The Seals, the Trumpets, & the Bowls” (2)A Brief Note: “Why the Demons are Not Amillennial”PodcastsPodcast: “The End of Amillennialism” (1)Podcast: “The End of Amillennialism” (2)Podcast: “The End of Amillennialism” (3)Podcast: “The End of Amillennialism” (4)===================BIBLE VERSESFor a list of Bible verses referred to in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website: WEBSITE US ON…FacebookYouTube===================RECORDINGThis program was ecorded in segments on Thursday, 20 April 2023.

Saturday Apr 15, 2023

As the believers in Christ, we need to see that God wants to have a building as His eternal dwelling place. For this purpose He is transforming us all into stones for His building.This was Peter’s experience; after the Father showed him the vision of who Jesus was, and Peter confessed Him as the Christ, the Son of the living God, the Lord showed Peter a vision who he, Peter, now was: a stone for God’s building (Matt. 16:16-18). Then, in his first epistle, Peter made it clear that all the believers in Christ need to have this very same experience (1 Peter 2:4-8).To appreciate what all this means, we need to see Christ as the Stone for God’s building in three aspects: Toward the unbelievers, especially the Jews, He is the Stumbling Stone, and to the rebellious nations, He is the Smiting Stone; but to the believers,“Behold, I lay in ZionA chief cornerstone,chosen and precious,And he who believes on HimWill by no means be put to shame.”— 1 Peter 2:6Finally, this all becomes real to us in our experience when we come directly to Christ to contact Him as the Living Stone (1 Peter 2:4), to allow Him to impart His divine life into our being.===================ABOUTThe Christian Faith Radio Hour is presented by David Canfield as an extension of website. Both that website and this podcast exist to provide a healthy word of ministry for God’s children today, and to present the truths of the gospel to the world.David lives in Chicago, Illinois where he has been serving the Lord on a full-time basis for over 25 years. He is the author of Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist, which is now available in paperback from Amazon.===================PREVIOUS EPISODES REFERRED TO IN THIS EPISODE4. Jesus & the Bible: Inclusive and Exclusive; What Is Transformation? (1)5. What Is Transformation? (2)===================PROGRAM NOTES FOR BIBLE VERSES & OTHER RESOURCESFor a list of Bible verses and other resources referred to in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website: WEBSITE US ON…...Facebook...YouTube===================RECORDINGThis edition of the program was recorded in segments beginning on Wednesday, 12 April 2023.

Friday Apr 07, 2023

God created mankind to rule the earth on His behalf. Since the Fall, however, we have demonstrated over and over again that we are not capable of ruling as the Lord originally intended. Instead, as we know all too well, the world today is in a state of tremendous chaos. And this chaos will eventually culminate in the rise of the Antichrist.At the time of the end, however, the Lord will come to demolish all human government, as pictured in Daniel 2, and then He will establish His 1,000 year reign on the earth. That will be a time of absolute righteousness, and of a peace and joy and blessing that we cannot even imagine today. Moreover, it will finally show mankind what it is to live under the authority of the heavenly King.===================ABOUTThe Christian Faith Radio Hour is presented by David Canfield as an extension of website.Both that website and this podcast exist to provide a healthy word of ministry for God’s children today, and to present the truths of the gospel to the world.David lives in Chicago, Illinois where he has been serving the Lord on a full-time basis for over 25 years.He is the author of Lawlessness, the Left, & the Antichrist, which is now available in paperback from Amazon.===================RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS PROGRAM41. Daniel: A Man Who Saw VisionsA Brief Note: “The Talents and the Minas” (1)===================PROGRAM NOTES FOR BIBLE VERSES & OTHER RESOURCESFor a list of Bible verses and other resources referred to in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website: WEBSITE US ON…FacebookYouTube==================RECORDINGThis edition of the program was recorded in segments on Thursday, 6 April 2023.

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